About Us

Meet the Team 

Diane Watson - proud owner and consultant.

Anna Sell -  consultant and human hair specialist.

Carolyn Gibbs - receptionist/PA  will greet you when you come in the door and can answer many of your questions. 

Each member of our close-knit team pride themselves in helping clients look great, feel wonderful, and overcome any fears and reservations. We providing valuable, professional services in a caring and private environment in our premises in Somerfield.

Diane has brought the passion and resurgence of entrepreneurial spirit back into Hair Therapy Wigs, sparked by the fulfillment of her own long journey. She had been a client of Hair Therapy Wigs for 7 years before taking over as owner 10 years ago.

Her mission is to return the gift of genuine assistance that she herself was given in a time of great strife and challenge, and she combines this strength of purpose with the knowledge and experience of hair loss and personal rejuvenation. This unique experienced-based service that only Diane and her team can provide, makes Hair Therapy Wigs an outstanding business for both the residents of Christchurch and for those who come from all over the country to see her.

Diane herself says: “Hair Therapy Wigs in Christchurch is the realisation of a five year dream. Helping people have beautiful, natural looking hair and enabling them to feel as good as they deserve to feel by overcoming barriers is what I have talked about, strived for, and reached for, in what has been a very long journey.

I live every day inspired and overjoyed that I have fulfilled my hopes and am living my dream, and I hope this comes across to every client that myself and my team welcome to our Christchurch wig studio.”

There was a time when Diane would get tangled up in the emotions that come with every person she met, and the stories they bring with them of unique challenges and hardships for a great variety of reasons.

Diane says: “I used to get tangled up in the emotion of it. There are certainly some very sad stories with men and women who wait a long time to discover that a full or partial wig can return to them a sense of wholeness and self esteem that they had gotten used to living without. Nowadays I can work from a stronger place where my experience provides a platform of understanding and strength that I extend to those around me. This is not a job for me, but a chance to provide something that can make a true life change for others.”

Please feel welcome to make an appointment to come and see us via our Contact Form, or by phoning us on 03 332 8569

Click here to read more about Diane’s Journey.